These Wills have been transcribed/translated from the original Old English versions by Margaret Causer nee Keight and input to computer by Roger Keight. Punctuation and capital letters are as in the original Will. In some areas on the original Wills however some of the words were slightly, or in some cases totally, indecipherable and in these instances a 'best guess' is contained in brackets or the area is marked ………………. !

Will dated 10.3.1554

In the name of God Amen - the 10th day of the month of March in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred fifty four and in the Reign of our sovereign Lord Henrye Elizabeth by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the faith and in carege (courage?) next unto God of the Church of England and also Ireland the same head. I Willam KYTE of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester - whole of memory and sick in body Do make my testament and last will in manner and form following death I bequeath my soul to the Almighty God and blessed Lady Saint Mary and unto all in God's company of heaven and my body to be buried in the church yard of my parish church at the north door. Then to the mother church of Glos. 12d. Then to the high alter of my parish church aforesaid 12d. Then to the repacyon (repairing?) of the body of the same church 3s. 3d. Then to Richard my son 40 sheep. then to Margaret my daughter 40 sheep. Then to Margery my daughter 40 sheep. Then to Elizabeth my daughter 40 sheep. Then to Alice my daughter 40 sheep, Then to Katryn my daughter 40 sheep. Then to Bartylmewe my son 20 sheep. Then of and in the farm which I have taken by leave dying the sum of the same I make Helyn my wife my assignee. So long as she doth keep herself widow. If she marry within the said time then I will her to remain to John my eldest son and to act assignee. Then the residue of all the singular my goods unbequeathed my debts paid and the aforesaid legacies discharged I give and bequeath to the said Helyn my wife and Wyllm my son and then to use the occupy and bestow them as God shall put them in mind for the health of my soul - the encrese (?) and resorte (?) whenth Helyn I make my excutex (functw?) with the said Wyllm my son and heir. And leave wife overseers of all things as that aforesaid. Then being worthiest Robert JAYEGRIST of Campdon Rik FLECHAR of Stow Rik CHOLERBE they - with other more

* Nothing is known about when or where William KYTE or his wife Helyn were born or married, where they lived, or when they died.
* 12d. in 1554 = about £14 in AD2000
* 3s. 3d. in 1554 = about £38 in AD2000

Will dated 7.6.1557

In the name of god amen and in the year or our lord god am (amen) andby the seventh day of June in the third and fourth year of the Reign of King philly' and queen mary / I Richard KEYTE of the town of Eberton husbandman in the County of Gloust. being sick in body but of good and perfect rememberance lord and praise be to Almighty god / Do make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say / first I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God my maker and to Jesus Christ the only son our Redeemer and Saviour and my body to the earth to be Buried in Eberton church yard also I wish that all such debts and duties as of right I owe to any p.son or p.sons be truly contented and paid by my wife An / whom I make my first Executrex of this my last will and testament Also I give and bequeath to the bailiff of Eberton 4d Also I give and bequeath to my 3 children 3 kines and wyoning (weaning?) calf 106 sheep 106 lambs and my goodly children and all the Recodon of my body unbabe And on unbabett (?) I give and bequeath to my wife An and I make my overseers John WIGET witness to the same B BURDETT (or BURDELL) Anthony WORTH (or WORCS) of Campden Willy FFREEMAN and Willy HARES who owes me
Debts owing me
Imprimis John WAKELY £103.
Item Margery WARDE £7.
Debts that I do owe
Item the Thomas SLOMANS £110
Written on the back of the Will:-
Ric KYTE - de Eberton
- - - - -
XXV January 1551
- my hand
- - -
Richard KEYTE (a signature in a heavy hand)

* Nothing is not known about when or where Richard KEYTE or his wife Ann were born or married, where they lived, or when they died.
* Queen Mary reigned from 1553 to 1558
*Eberton = this word was used to describe Ebrington

Will dated 8.3.1560

In the name of god amen the 8th day of March in the year of our lord god 1560. I Richard KYTE of Ebrington in the County of Glous husbandman, being of whole mind and in ggod and perfect rememberance, praise be unto almighty god do make and ordaine this my present testament containing herein my last will in manner and form following. that is to say first, I commend my soul unto almighty god my maker and Redeemer, and my body to be buried in the churchyard by my wife in ebrington aforesaid. Item I bequeath toward the reparacions of Ebrington church 12d. Item I bequeath to the alms folks of Campden 12d. Then I bequeath to Margery DANYOLL (DANIEL) my god daughter 16d. Item I bequeath to Thomas WOOLEY and Robert WOOLEY the sons of Christopher WOOLEY of Campden aforesaid gent and is to buy them books toward their learning and (illegible) sum of 10s. the said Christopher did owe unto me. Item I bequeath to Willyon WHYTFILD of Campden towards the building of his house wh (which) is burned 10s. and which sum of 10s. the said Willya' did owe unto me. Item I bequeath to my son Thomas KYTE £6. Item I bequeath to the poor persons of Glous people 7d. the rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath to John KYTE my son whom I make and ordaine my whole and sole executor. And I make Christopher WOOLEY and Thomas DORSEN my overseers giving them for their pains 12d. In witness whereof I the said Richard KYTE have put to my hand and soul of my own hand the day and year above said these men bearing witness.
Thomas MORTYBOYES School master of Campden
Robert Pudyet BAKER
Lawrence DAMFORDE fishmonger
Intra in ontia de campden
corus ~ Willm BARKER de cano
de cimpden 14o die apslis 1564 fi

* Nothing is not known about when or where Richard KYTE was born or married, who he married, where they lived, or when he died.
* 10s. (10 shillings) in 1560 = about £78 in AD 2000

Will dated 21.10.1564 (9.9.1564)

In dei nomne Ame
In the name of god Amen the 21 day of October in the year of our Lord God I John KYETT of eberton into the County of Glous yeoman sick in body and in fit mind do make my last will and testament in manner and form following / first I bequeath my soul unto god and my body to be buried in the church yard of Eberton at the north door / unto mother church I give (ink blot) 6sh. 4d also I give will and bequeath unto Ric my second son three score pounds in full payment for his legacy / Also I give and bequeath unto John my youngest son three score pounds in full payment of his legacy / the three score pounds I will that my executors pay unto my said sons when they come to the age of 20 years / And if it happen one of my sons died before he come to the age of 20 years then I will that the other brother shall have the whole 6 score pounds. / All the residue of my good lease and taking unbequeathed I will thine unto Elizabeth my wife and William my oldest son whom I make my executor and when said William shall come to the age of 20 years / Then I will that he occupy the one half unto his mother of all my good farms leas and taking to his own unto and behove / Also if William die before he come to the age of 20 years then I will that Richard my second son shall have and enjoy in the same farm and at the same age the executorship what lease taking is good as was before bequested to my oldest son Willm And if Ric happen to die then I will that John my youngest son shall have and enjoy the executorship what lease good taking in the same form and at the same age as Richard afore shall have had / Also if any of my said sons that is to say Willm Ric or John / being so unthrifty (here there is an illegible insert above the line) to sell align put away or any right claim total or title that he may have by this my will so concerning my lease and executorship I will that he shall take no benefit of this my will nor make(inserted) thereof And if it shall be my oldest son that fall into any surge of unthriftyness then I will that he shall have the legacy before bequeathed to Ric and so to be put from and excluded of all right that he hath to my lease and executorship and all the benefit thereto belonging and then Ric to save and enjoy the lease and executorship and so from one to another And if it happen that the said Willm do die having no son of his body lawfully begotten then I will that Ric shall enjoy and have all my farm lease and takings and term of years And if it happen Ric die having no son of his body lawfully begotten then I will that John my youngest son shall have my farm lease taking is ___ of yourself I will that Elizabeth my wife have the governor of my children house good lease taking and term of year Keeping herself sole and unmarried until so the time my said children come to the age of 20 years and then they to have the benefit of this my will according as heretofore is unwritten and if Elizabeth my said(inserted) wife do marry then I will that my executors pay unto her one hundred pounds and she to be excluded and discharged of my good lease and taking and live of year and I bind her by this my will to redelign unto my children all my lease and taking and the said Elizabeth my wife live and keep herself unmarried then I will she shall have occupy and enjoy the one half of my good farms lease and taking wth my son during her natural life Also if my said wife happen to die or marry at anytime my children being when the age of 20 years / then I will that John FREEMAN my son-in-law have the governor of my said children what the good farm lease taking wth all the asset comodons thereto belonging appertaining totally use of my said children and according to this my last will and testament also I give and bequeath unto Barthellmew my brother a cow or 20 shillings. Also I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth a cow or 20 shillings Also I give and bequeath unto my sister(inserted) alys a cow or 20 shillings. Also I give and bequeath unto Kateren my sister a cow or 20 shillings / this I do acknowledge by this my will that I have fully satisfied and paid unto my brother Thomas all such good and sums of money as is hath (inserted) or been due unto the said Thomas from the beginning of (inserted) the worall (world?) unto this day / saving and excepting 5s.4d. the wcc (which) I do owe unto him for the WICK (inserted) 16 groats the said Thomas hath detained (ink blot) and doth detain A bill of £10 against all right and cosyons Also I do acknowledge that my brother Willm is fully paid of all such forms of money debts and demands that is or hath thine betwixt the said Willm and me from the beginning of the worall unto this day and yet go keeping a bill in like case / And to this my last will and testament I do make Willm GRANT gentleman John HARRIS Ric CANNING of Foxcote and John FREEMAN of Eberton my overseers to whom I give 6sh. 8d. a piece. Also if it havin the said Willm Ric and John KYETT my sons die without any issue of their bodies lawfully begotten then I will give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife she being sole and not married all my good lease and taking during her natural life And after the death of my wife and children and their children and or dying as is written in this my last will foresoever then I will and give unto Willm KYETT my brother and to his children my lease and years that shall then be to come of any in the form of Eberton In witness thereof I the said John KYETT going first in death and _____d for the person of Richard FREEMAN brother of Robert John GOODLYSTON John HOLTAM John JARRATT John FREEMAN Willym KYETT John GREY and signs other
Johannis KYET
____ de Eburton
probat f mt
1 xo ___ Sepembre
(9th September 1564) [see also the will of 21.10.1569]

* Nothing is not known about when or where John KYTE or his wife Elizabeth were born or married, where they lived, or when they died.
* eberton = this word was used to describe Ebrington
* three score pounds = £60, and £60 in 1564 = £8,400 about in AD 2000
* 1 groat = 4d., and 4d in 1564 = about £5.60p. in AD 2000

Will dated 16.2.1566

In die nomre Amen. In the year of our Lord God 1566 and the 8th year Sovereign Lady Elizabeth king over thee of ______ (writing smudged) of England and France and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith and the supreme sovereign of the church of England and also of Ireland in matters as well celestrial as temporal I William KITE of Eberton within the county and dioces of Gloster yeoman, do make my testament and last will in manner and form following. First I do bequeath my soul unto almighty god and my body to be buried in the church yard of Eberton before said, And as touching my worldly good. I bequeath them to the world. namely ast this sort, Principally I bequeathed to my daughter An KITE £13.6s.8d. Item to my 2 sons William KITE and Thomas KITE I give and bequeath personally unto each of them in the 18th year of their age £6.13s.4d. And in case one of these twain do die before he come to that age I will the survivor to enjoy the whole survivors £13.6s.8d. Item I bequeath unto the child in my widows body £6.13s.4d. Item I bequeath and give to the reparcion of my parish church of Eberton 12d. The residue of my goods my final discharge and my debts paid I bequeath and give unto my wife Alys and to my son Oliver indifferently to be divided between them both in the twenty year of his age. And these two, namely my wife Alys and my son Oliver I do constitute and make my 2 executors, Overseers unto whom. I ordaine my father-in-law George DISTON and my brother Oliver DISTON. these being witnesses.
John HOLTAM, Willyam FLECHER, John KITE, Thomas KITE. Robert DANIEL. Richard PURSER with many other more keep the being absent the 16 day of the month of february. the year of our Lord before said.

Debts owing unto me William KITE.
Imprimis my sister Elizabeth KITE - Late wife unto my brother John departed oweth unto me £4.
Item Richard COLE of the Ridgeway oweth 10s.
Item Richard PURSER of Eberton 2s.
Item Robert ALL 2s.
Item my brother Richard KITE 2s. and hose cloth
Item rick of Mylcomme (Milcome) the prior 4s.6d.
Item Thomas HOLMES for fros stricke bag 2s.
Oma totalis £5.9s.6d.

Latin. writing on back
date - Aplo mo 1566o
signed William KEYTE

* Nothing is not known about when or where William KITE was born, who he married, where they lived, or when he died.
* Queen Elizabeth I reigned from 1558 to 1603
* Eberton = this word was used to describe Ebrington
£13. 6s. 8d. in 1566 = about £1,710 in AD 2000

Will dated 21.10.1569 (Original dated 1569 at Family Record Centre, London)

In the name of god Amen the 21st day of October in the year of our Lord god a thousand five hundred sixty and nine, I John KYETE of Eberton within the county of Gloucester, yeoman sick in body and in perfect mind do make my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul unto god and my body to be bruied in the church yard of Eberton at the north door unto the mother church I give 2sh.8d. Also I give will and bequeath unto Richard my second son three score pound in full payment for his legacy Also I give and bequeath unto John my youngest son Three score pound in full payment of his legacy then with Six score pound I will that my executors pay unto my said sons when they come to the age of twenty years. And if it happen one of my sons die before he come to the age of twenty years, then I will that the other brother shall have the whole six score pound. All the residue of my good leases and taking unbequeathed I will and give unto Elizabeth my wife and William my eldest son whom I make my executor and when the said William shall come to the age of twenty years then I will that he occupy the one half with his mother of all my good farms leases and taking to his own use and behalf, Also if William die before he come to the age of twenty years then I will that Richard my second son shall have and enjoy in the same farm and at the same age the executorship withall leases taking and good as was before bequeathed to my eldest son William. And if Richard happen to die then I will that John my youngest son shall have and enjoy the executorship with all leases good taking in the same farm and at the same age as Richard heretofore shall have had, Also if any of my said sons that is to say William Richard or John being so unthrifty to go about to sell alien or put always any right bayme (by me ?) will or most that he may have by this my will concerning my leases and executorship I will that he shall take no benefit of this my will nor no part thereof, And if it should be my last son that fall into any sort of unthriftiness then I will that he shall have the legacy before bequeathed to Richard and so to be put from and excluded of the right that he has to my leases and executorship and all the profit thereunto belonging, and then Richard to have and enjoy the leases and executorship, and so from one to another, and, if it happen the said William to die having no son of his body lawfully begotten, then I will that Richard shall enjoy and have all my farm leases and taking and term of years, and if, it happen Richard to die having no son of his body lawfully begotton then I will that John my youngest son shall have my farm lease and taking and term of years, Also I will that Elizabeth my wife have the governance of my children house good leases taking and term of years, keeping herself sole and unmarried until such time my children come to the age of 20 years, and then they to have the benefit of this my will according as heretofore is written, and if Elizabeth my said wife do marry then I will that my executors pay unto her one hundred pounds and she to be excluded and discharged of my good leases taking and term of years and I bind her by this my will to redeliver unto my children all my leases and taking and the said Elizabeth my wife like and kept herself unmarried then I will she shall have occupy and enjoy the one half of my good farms Leases and taking with my son During her natural life, Also if my said wife happen to die or marry at any time my children being within the age of twenty years then I will that John FREEMAN my son-in-law have this governance of my said children withall the good farms leases and taking with all the profit commodities thereunto belonging or appertaining to then the use of my said children according to this my last will and testament, Also I give and bequeath unto Bartholomew my brother a cow or 20s. Also I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth a sow or 20s. Also I give and bequeath unto my sister Alice a cow or 20s. Also I give and bequeath unto Kathryn my sister a cow or 20s.This I acknowledge by this my will that I have fully satisfied and put paid unto my brother Thomas all such good and sums of money as is or hath been due unto the said Thomas from the beginning of the World unto this day saving and excepting 5s.4d. the worth I do owe unto him for the worth 5s.4d. the said Thomas hath detained and doth detain a bill of Ten pound against all right and concern, Also I do acknowledge that my brother William is fully paid of such sums of money debt and demand that is or hath been betwixt the said William _________ from the beginning of the world unto this day and yet keeping a bill in like case and to this my last will and Testament I do make William BRYNT John HARYYE Richard CANNING of foxcote and John FREEMAN of Eberton my overseers to whom I give 6s.8d a piece / Also if it happen the said William Richard and John KEYTE my sons die without issue of their bodies lawfully begotton then I will give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife she being sole and command all my good leases and taking during her natural life / And after the death of my wife and children and their children according as is written in this my last will heretofore, then I will and give to William KEYTE my brother and to his children my lease and years that shall then be to come of and in the farm of Eberton, In witness thereof I the said John KYETE have put to my seal and hand in the presence of Richard Freman batchelor of divinity John HODYLLSTON John HOLTAM John JARRETT John FREEMAN William KEYTE John GREY and divers other.
Probatum – in Latin.
[See also the will of 21.10.1564]
Will proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Folio Ref: Sheffield 12

* Nothing is not known about when or where John KYTE or his wife Elizabeth were born or married, where they lived, or when they died.
* eberton = this word was used to describe Ebrington
* three score pounds = £60, and £60 in 1564 = £8,400 about in AD 2000

Will dated 6.7.1643 (Original dated 1643 obtained from Family Record Centre, London)

In the name of God Amen this sixth day of July in the Nineteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord King Charles over England Anno Dm one thousand six hundred forty three, I Hastings KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Glouc Gent, being in good health and perfect memory praised be Almighty God, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner the form following. First I bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God my Creator Trusting that through his mercy and the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ, both my body and Soul inherit eternal life. And I bequeath my body to Christian burial, And as for and concerning those worldly goods wherewith The lord hath endowed me I do dispose thereof in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath unto my loving brother Francis KEYT the sum of One thousand pounds of lawful money in England ‘dobithis’ in the hands of my father John KEYT Esquire, and which he ought to pay to me, being Executor of the last Will and testament of William KEYT Esquire my late Grandfather Deceased By unto so will the said sum of One thousand pounds was given to me. Item I bequeath unto my loving brother Thomas KEYT the sum of three hundred pounds of like lawful money of England which is also in my father’s hands And to which I have right of reason on the death of my late sister Ellenor KEYT Also --------------- (the writing here is smudged and so illegible) ordaine and appoint my loving brother Francis KEYT sole Executor of this my will And witness ------------------- (the writing here is smudged and so illegible) hereto see mine tr-----------------(the writing here is smudged and so illegible) and seal the day ------------ (the writing here is smudged and so illegible) above said Hastings KEYT Esquire and published in the person of C-----th (the writing here is smudged and so illegible), Edmund TAYLOR

This will was proved at London on the fourteenth day of February in the year of our lord God one thousand six hundred fifty four -------- --------- -------- for Probuto of will and granting Ad--------lawfully authorised By the death of Francis KEYT and brother and sole Executor named in the said will to whom Administration of all and singular Goods Chattells and Debts of the said testator and committed -------------- being first sworn by commissiontously (?) to Administer the same.

* Hastings KEYT was born in 1621 and so was 22 years old when he made this Will. He was a Captian in the Royalist Army and was killed at the Battle of Stow in Gloucestershire on 21st March 1645 aged 23.
* He is buried in the Chancel floor of St. Edward’s Church in Stow-on-the-Wold. He never married.

Will dated 1.4.1660 (original at Family Record Centre, London)
In the name of God Amen The First Day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty I John KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Esquire being weak in body, but of good and perfect mind and memory Thanks being given unto God do make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Thereby Revoking all other my former Wills whatsoever, First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Saviour Trusting in him that by the (monnitts?) of Jesus Christ my Redeemer I shall attain Eternal life And I bequeath my body to the Earth from whence it was taken be buried in Devout manner according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. Item I give unto Margaret my loving wife all such goods as were here before I married her And all such money do she hath or shall have in her own Custody and keeping at the home of my demise, Also all such Plate as she hath bought, And the one half of all my other plate Item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild William KEYT eldest son of my son John KEYT the Sum of Five hundred Pounds of lawful money of England to be paid him by my Executor hereafter named within Six months next after my decease Item I give and bequeath and devise unto my grandchild Thomas KEYT being the second son of my said Son John KEYT All my Messuages Lands and Tenancies Tenth and Tithes of what kind season Situate lying and being Blockley, Paxford and Dracott in the County of Worcester either by Leases for years or lived or otherwise which A purchases or bought of William FREEMAN Late of Blockley foresaid gent Deceased and which ________ (?) are heretofore belonging unto the Bishoprick of Worcester, Together with all such lease or leases and all the Estate right Either and in trust which I have or ought to have therein, Do hold to him the said Thomas KEYT and his Assignee during all the remainder of the time and term and number of years yet to come and unexpired together with all Easement profit Commodities and appurtances whatsoever to the same or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Jane STRANGE widow my sister Ann ANDREWE her daughter the yearly sum of Five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid her yearly by my Executor out of my personal and Real Estate During her natural life at two feasts or terms in the year that is to say the Feats of St.Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of St.Mary the Virgin by even and equal portion Yearly to be granted ____ (?) forth payment thereafter the bequeathed Jon KEYT the said offer after or shall ________ (?) pen next after my decease ________ ___ (?) give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Eglantine Salleworth the wife of William SALLEWORTH and other my ____________ _____ ____ ________ ________(?) the yearly _______ _____ _____ pounds of Lawful money of England _______ (?) paid unto her by my Executor yearly out of my personal and Real Estate during her natural life at Two feasts on times in the year that is to say The feasts of Saint Michael the Archangel And the Annunciation of St.Mary the Virgin by _________ (?) and bequeath portions yearly ___________ pairs. The first payment thereof to begin at such of the said feasts as shall first happen next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my servant Thomas TAYLOR the yearly sum of seven pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my Executor out of my personal and Real Estate yearly during his natural life At two feasts or terms in the year that is to say the feast of St.Michael the Archangel and the annunciation of St.Mary the Virgin by Even and Equal portion yearly to be paid the first payment thereof to begin At such of the said feasts as shall first happen after my Decease And I do make and Ordaine my Son John KEYT my whole and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament To whom my debts and Legacies being paid and my funeral Expenses discharged I give and bequeath all the Rest and Residue of my personal Estate and goods whatsoever before herein not given nor bequeathed Item I do further Will and devise that is in case hereafter by any other writing or by word in the presence of Two or Three credible Witnesses both to the writing or word I shall give or bequeath Any other Legacy to any person or persons whatsoever then my will is that the same shall be annexed as a Codicil to this my last present Will and to be performed by my Executor in every Resort as part of my last will as if it had been written In Witness of that, that is my Last Will and Testament I have hereunto set my hand : / Jo : KEYT: /
Subscribed and published in the person of Tho: KEYT, Thomas TAYLOR : /.
Probatum fuit Testamentum supre soriptum apra London forum Venerabili et Egrogie Diro Euililmo Monicto rogum dro_e curiue Prarrogative
Cantuarionsio Magistro Custode Sioe Commissario Thine Constituto Dictsimo Die Monsio Novembrio Anno Dommi Millino Sixento Sexagefimo Juramento Johannis KEYT fily dioti defundi et Exentorio in filii dicti defundi et Executoris in hu jusmodi Testamento Nominat (uj Commi ssacfuit Annuistratio omnied of Singuloru honorum Juriumet creditorum duti defumli de bono et fideti Administraud eadomad stoo dei Ebangeliso vigore Commissionio Furat : / ‘ Eu)
This Will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Folio 286.

* John KEYT was born in Ebrington in 1583 and was christened at St. Eadburgha’s Church there on 13.10.1583. He died in Ebrington on 25.4.1660, 24 days after writing this will, and he is buried in St.Eadburgha’s with his wife.
* Margaret was Margaret HARRISON, John KEYT ‘s second wife.
* John KEYT ‘eldest son John KEYT was created 1st Baronet of Ebrington on 22.12.1660.
* John KEYT ‘grandchild William KEYT became 2nd Baronet of Ebrington on 2.8.1662.
* Five hundred pounds (£500) in 1660 = about £29, 200 in AD2000
* Seven pounds (£7) in 1660 = about £410 in AD2000

Will dated 29.10.1661 (original dated 1661 in Gloucester Record Office)
The sum and substance of the Last will and Testament of Thoms KYET …………. Of Ebrington in the County of Glsr. Weaver Lately deceased declared openly before me the 29th of October and departed this life the 2nd of November following 1659.
I give To my Brother Richard three pounds. To my Brother Anthony four pounds. To my Brother William four pounds. To my sister Anne Sarjeant four pounds. To my Sister Mary WOLMER five pounds and that my said sister Mary shall not abate out of hers for any desorato debts. Item I give and bequeath to Thomas KYET my Brother Williams son and to Richard and Thomas my Brother Anthonys son and to Thomas my sister Wolmers son twenty shillings a piece. Item I give to Thomas my Brother Williams son my Plush Coat.
I give to every other Child now living of every of my Brothers and sisters five shillings a piece. My desire and will is that there be grave stones set up for my ffather and Mother and for my self. Item my will is that after all charges and defrayed the remainder and above pledge shall be divided proportionably between these My Brothers and Sisters only Rik William Anthony Ann and Mary. Item I desire nominate and appoint my Brother William to be my Executor of my last will and testament.
who hereto in witness
whereof set my name
ffran NASON

* Unfortunately it is not known when or where Thomas was born or who he married.
* Three pounds (£3) in 1661 = about £175 in AD2000
* Four pounds (£4) in 1661 = about £235 in AD 2000
* Five pounds (£5) in 1661 = about £295 in AD 2000
* Twenty shillings (20/-) in 1661 = about £59 in AD2000
* Five shillings (5/-) in 1661 = about £15 in AD2000

Will dated 29.4.1681 (original dated 1684 in Gloucester Record Office)

In the name of god Amen. On the nine and twentieth day of April in the three and thirtieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King, Defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and eighty one, I Richard KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Yeoman, being of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God), do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
Imprimis I resign my soul into the hands of my Creator, hoping to be saved through the merits of my blessed Redeemer, and I give my body to the earth to be decently buried. And as touching that wordly estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and form following.
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto the sons and daughters of my Brother William KEYT of Ebrington aforesaid carpenter twenty pounds a piece. Item I give unto Elizabeth KEYT daughter of my Brother William KEYT, one chest and my best feather bed and bolster and other things belonging to the said bed, and two pair of my best sheets. Item I give unto Jane KEYT daughter of my Brother William KEYT one feather bed and one bed-tick and one bolster and two pair of sheets. Item I give unto Thomas KEYT son of my Brother William KEYT all my diaper linen. Item I do constitute and ordain my Brother William KEYT sole executor of this my last will and Testament. Item all the rest of my money, chattels, cattle, and goods whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said Brother William KEYT. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed and sealed and declared
In the presence of The mark of William BAKER Ricardo JONATHAN Randall KYAT
Samuell KNIGHT
Richard KEYT
22d April 1684
……………………………… Coram me
Rich parsons
Probate ……………………………Octobris Aodui 1684

* Unfortunately it is not know when and where Richard KEYT was born or who he married, assuming he did marry.
* Twenty pounds in 1681 = about £1,275 in AD2000

Will dated 27.7.1688 (original dated 1691 in Gloucester Record Office, Ref:123)

In the name of God Amen. On the seven and twenty day of July in the fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James the second, and in the year of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred and eight, I William KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Carpenter, being of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God) do make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, Imprimis I resign my soul into the hands of my merciful Creator, hoping to be saved through the merit of my blessed Redeemer and I give my body to the earth to be decently buried. And as touching that wordly Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth. Imprimis whereas my son John KEYT oweth me five pounds for diet, I remit and forgive him that debt. Item I give and bequeath unto my other three sons, and to my two daughters five pounds a piece to be paid at the decease of my Executrix hereafter named, Item I give and bequeath unto my two Grandchildren Jane GARDNER and John GARDNER twenty shillings a piece to be paid at the decease of my Executrix hereafter named. Item I give unto my son William KEYT all my interest in my dwelling house Barns and other outhouses Garden Orchard and Backside thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the said premises to him and his Heirs Executors and Administrators during the whole term of years for which the said premises are granted to me by two leases from Sir William KEYT. Provided that he the said William KEYT my son shall permit my beloved wife Jane KEYT quietly and peaceable to enjoy to herself the best chamber in the said dwelling house and to make use of any other part of the said house as she shall have occasion during her natural life. Item I give and bequeath unto my son William KEYT all my tools belonging to my Trade. Item all the rest of my household goods clothes money cattle and other goods whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Jane KEYT whom I do constitute and ordain sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed sealed & declared William KEYT
in the presence of
The mark of Samewell KEYT
Probate – Gloucester. Doriuo Quarto May Ao dm

* Unfortunately it is not known when or where William KEYT was born, but it is thought that he was born in Ebrington, Gloucestershire.
* He married a lady named Jane at St. Eadburgha’s in Ebrington in 1624 (see her Will dated 16.2.1694 – proved 1695)
* William and Jane had at least 5 children, John, William, Thomas, Richard and Elizabeth.
* Five pounds (£5) in 1688 = about £340 in AD2000
* Twenty shillings (20/- or £1) = about £68 in AD2000

Will dated 16.2.1694 (original dated 1695 in Gloucester Record Office, Ref: 240)

In the name of God, Amen. I Jane KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester, Widow, being of perfect mind and memory do, on this sixteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety four, make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First I resign my soul into the hands of my merciful Creator, hoping to be saved through the merits of my blessed Redeemer and I give my body to the earth to be decently buried. And as touching that worldly estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me, I bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth. Imprimis I give and bequeath the worst of my wearing apparel to the poor of Ebrington aforesaid to be distributed according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath one petticoat and one waistcoat to my son John’s Wife, and the rest of my wearing apparel to my daughter Elizabeth GARDNER. Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas, and my son John, and my daighter Elizabeth GARDNER one pair of hempen sheets a piece; and to my son Richard two pair of sheets and two pillow beers marked with the first letters of his name. Item my will is that my Grandson Edward TOMLINS shall live to be fourteen years of age, then my Executor hereafter named shall lay out fourty shillings upon him in clothes or some thing also for his use and benefit as my said Executor shall think fit. Item I give and bequeath to the rest of my Grandchildren which shall be alive at the time of my Decease twenty shillings a piece. Item all my ready money and all that is due unto me upon bonds or bills or otherwise, which shall remain after the payment of the Legacies aforesaid and of the Legacies given by my beloved Husband which remain unpaid, and after the payment of my Debts and funeral expenses, I give and bequeath to my four sons and my daughter Elizabeth GARDNER, to be equally divided between them. Item all my pewter, and brass, and beds and linen and woolen, and all the rest of my household goods, except those above mentioned, and all of the rest of my goods and chattels I give and bequeath to my son William KEYT, whom I do hereby constitute and ordain sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and seal the day and year first written.
Signed Sealed and Declared
The mark of
in the presence of
Probate 7 Nov 1695
Campden Rich PARSONS
Septimo die monsu Novembris Anno Dm 1695
Richardo PARSONS Legid A Hor
Guilliolmi KEYT filiuon

* Unfortunately it is not known when or where Jane was born or what her maiden name was.
* Jane married William KEYT (see his Will dated 27.7.1688 – proved 1691) at St.Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, Gloucestershire, in 1624.
* Jane and William had at least 5 children, John, William, Thomas, Richard and Elizabeth.
* Jane was buried at Ebrington 4.8.1694/5.
* Hempen = coarse fabric made from hemp (the cannabis plant)
* Forty shilling (40/- or £2) in 1694 = about £130 in AD2000

Will dated 28.11.1702 (original dated 1703 at Family Record Office, London)

In the Name of God Amen I Sr William KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Bart being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to almighty God do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following revoking all former wills and Codicils by me formerly made Imprimis I commend my Soul to Almighty God hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to obtain the full and pardon and remission of my Sins And my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors herin after named And as for the Worldly Grace wherewith it hath pleased god to be blessed and I disperse thereof in manner following (that is to say) I give and bequeath to Sr John CLOPTON of Clopton in the County of Warwick Knt and Richard FREEMAN of Battesford in the County of Gloucester Esq the sum of one thousand pounds upon the Trust and for the uses and purposes herin after mentioned that is to say Upon trust that the said Sr John CLOPTON and Richard FREEMAN their Executors Administrators and Assignes shall permit and suffer my daughter Coventry solely and separately to receive and dispose of all the Interest Income and proceed which shall be made thereof during her life And from and after her decease to pay the said one thousand pounds to such her children and such manner as she shall by any writing under her hand testified by two or more credible Witnesses direct and appoint And in case she shall have no Child at the time of her decease then to such other persons she shall by any such Writing testified as aforesaid direct and appoint And it is my Will that my said daughters husband shall not intermeddle with the said one thousand pounds or Interest but that the same shall as well during Coverture as after be at her sole and separate disposal as aforesaid to all intents and purposes as though she were a son sole provided nonetheless and my will is that in case my daughter Coventry shall at any time during my life die without Issue that the said one thousand pounds be paid and dispursed of as I shall direct and appoint Item I give to my daughter Noble and to my daughter Coventry respectively all the Jewels which are in their respective possession and which I have formerly given or delivered unto them Item I give to my Grand-daughter Anne COVENTRY one hundred pounds And to my Grand-daughters Elizabeth KEYT and Margaret KEYT Eleven hundred pounds a piece Item I give to my loving brother Sir John PAKINGTON ten pounds And to his five children ten pounds a piece To my Cousin James THYNNE of Buckland Esq ten pounds To Mr. Francis WINNINGTON of Broadway ten pounds To my Cousin Alice DIGHTON ten pounds To my cousin Margaret HYDE ten pounds And to his sister Mary HYDE ten pounds Item I give to Mr. Fulke BRISTOE ten pounds To Mr. Henry HYCKES Vicar of Campden five pounds to buy him a gown To Mr. William STANTON my Chaplain five pounds To my servant Edward WILLIAMS one hundred pounds To Rachel WHITEHEAD now living with my daughter Coventry one hundred pounds To Mrs Eliz. COLQUITT my house keeper five pounds Item I give to my Servant Eliz. RIVERS fifty shillings p anun (per annum) during her life To my old Servant Judith CHAPMAN forty shillings To Willia GILBERT my falconer and Thomas COX my huntsman their maintainance in Meat drink Clothes and other necessaries during their lives Item I give to the eldest son of my son William lately deceased and his heirs for ever the Estate which I lately bought at Hidcote in the County of Gloucester and also the three Quarters of yardland in Ebrington which I purchased off William PAINE and Mary SOUTHERN or one of them changeable nevertheless with the payment of ten pounds p Anno to the Vicar of Ebrington for the time being for ever and for ……… Want of a Vicar that my will is that twenty shillings p Anno of the said ten pounds p Anno shall be applied yearly for repairing of the Vicarage house there until the same shall be sufficiently repaired Item I give to my four Stewards Mr. Edward WALKER Mr. William LOVELACE Mr. Nathaniel GOODWYN and Mr. William PRATT five pounds a piece Item I give to the poor of Ebrington ten pounds To the poor of Campden ten pounds And to the poor of Blockley ten pounds to be distributed to them in such manner and proportions as my Executors shall think fit Item I give to all that shall be my servants at the time of my decease their maintainance in meat drink and wages and such other necessaries in and during one half years after my decease Item I give to my son in law Gilbert COVENTRY Esq Sir John CLOPTON and Richard FREEMAN Esq and their Heirs Executors Administrators and assignes All those my Manors of Churchlench and Kington and Crowle in the County of Worcester and all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in every of the said manors and also all my Leases and Leaselands lying in Ebrington aforesaid and in Blockley, Draycott and Paxford in the County of Worcester or in any or either of them and also all my Lands tenements and Hereditaments situate lying and being in Watford or Silsworth in the County of Northampton or either of them with the apputances And also all my Rectory of Bricksworth in the said County of Northampton and all my Lands Tythes Tenements and Hereditaments in Bricksworth aforesaid and all my Great right title and Interest of into or out of the said Manors Rectory Lands Tenements amd Hereditaments or any of them either in Law or Equity or otherwise howsoever And also all my other Lands of Inheritance in fee Simple whatsoever Upon trust knoweth also that they the said Gilbert COVENTRY, Sir John CLOPTON and Richard FREEMAN and the survivors and survivor of them their heirs Executors Administrators and assignes shall and may by and out of the Rents Issue and Profits of the said Manors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and by sale or mortgage of the same or any part thereof as shall thinkfit raise money for the payment of all such debts as shall ne owing by me at the time of my decease to any person or persons whatsoever And also the payments of my Legacies hereby given or so much thereof as my personal Estate shall not extend to satisfy and shall dispose of the overplus Land and money which shall remain after the payment of my said debts and Legacies to such person or persons as I shall by any writing under my hand testified by two or more credible Witnesses direct and appoint And for default of such direction or appointment to the eldest son of my son William lately deceased and his Heirs in case he or they shall pay my said debts and Legacies within the space of two years after my decease Item I do give unto the said Gilbert COVENTRY Sir John CLOPTON and Richard FREEMAN all my goods chattels and personal Estate whereof I am possessed or otherwise howsoever (other thatn what I shall give or dispose of in my life time) or by some Codicil to be annexed to this my Will upon Trust that they shall sell the same and shall in the first place apply the money raised by such sale for payment of my debts and Legacies so far as the same will extend And my will is that my said Trustees shall be indemnified and saved harm or else out of my Estate from all damage Costs and charges which they or either of them shall expend or sustain in or about the execution of this my will or the Trust therein limited And that neither of my said trustees shall be chargeable for more of my Estate than what shall come annually to his own hands or possession And I give to my said son in law Gilbert COVENTRY and Richard FREEMAN Esq ten pounds a piece and I do forever give unto my said son in Law Gilbert COVENTRY the best horse mare or gelding I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease to be taken at his election And after the payment and discharge of my debts and Legacies in manneraforesaid I do give and bequeath all my Estate of Freehold and Inheritance to the eldest son of my son lately deceased and to his heirs forever And I do hereby make and constitute my daughter in law Agnes KEYT and Sir John CLOPTON her father joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I do give unto the said Sir John CLOPTON ten pounds as a Legacy And Lastly all my Goods Chattels and personal Estate after the payment of my debts and Legacies aforesaid I do hereby give to my said Executrix Agnes KEYT In Witness whereof I the said Sir William KEYT to this my last Will and Testament have set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of November in the first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne Anno Dm 1702 Willm KEYT This was signed sealed published and declared by the said Sir William KEYT to be his last Will and Testament (after two Interline acon) in the presence of Stephen TRY Charles ATKINS Ifforstan Willm BARNES.
Will proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Ref: Prob.11/470

2 days after writing this Will, on 30th November, William died aged 66. He was buried in St. Eadburgha’s church at Ebrington. He had bee born at Ragley, Warwickshire, in 1638 and became the 2nd Baronet on 2nd August 1662 at the age of 26.
* He married Elizabeth COVENTRY on 5th June 1662.
* His sister Margaret married Sir John PACKINGTON at Ebrington on 17th December 1668.
* His sister Elizabeth married Sir John TALBOT.
* His son William, deceased on 31st October 1702, had married Agnes CLOPTON, daughter of Sir John CLOPTON, at Blockley on 19th August 1687.
* The son of his brother William (deceased) was William, christened at Blockley on 6th July 1689, who became the 3rd Baronet on 30th November 1702 aged 13.
* His daughter Dorothy married Gilbert COVENTRY on 3rd December 1694.
* His daughter Margaret KEYT married Thomas NOBLE at Ebrington on 13th October 1702.
* His niece Alice KEYT, daughter of brother Francis, married Richard DIGHTON.
* His grand-daughters Elizabeth and Margaret KEYT were the daughters of his brother William.
* James THYNNE was related by marrying Mary COVENTRY
* Margaret HYDE was his aunt Margaret KEYT who married George HYDE on 20th May 1630 – Hastings and Mary were her children, born at Blagrove, Berkshire, in 1643 and 1645.
* One thousand pounds (£1,000) in 1703 = about £60,000 in AD2000.
* Fifty shillings (50/- or £2.10s.0d) in 1703 = about £150 in AD2000.
* Twenty shillings (20/- or £1) in 1703 = about £60 in AD2000.
Excluding all Goods, Chattels, Lands and Tenements, William left some £7,350 in lawful English money, worth about £440,000 in AD2000.
Will dated 1704 (original in Gloucester Record Office)

In dei nomine Amen I John KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Glouc. Yeoman being sick in body but of sound mind and disposing memory do now make this my last will and testament in manner and form following Imprimis I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ to be translated to a better life whensoever it shall please God to call me home Also my body to be buried in decent manner at the will of my Executors hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath unto my oldest son Thomas the half yard land I bought off William GIBBS to hold the same for all the remainder of the term or time which I have in it after the decease of my dear wife in case she remains unmarried till her death but if my said wife be married again then the profits thereof shall go to the maintenance of my younger children till they shall come to the age of four and twenty years. Item I give to my son John the house wherein I now inhabit during all the term I have in it after the decease of my said wife with the yard and all other buildings with all the apputenances thereto appertaining after the decease of my wife. Item I give to my son William the half yard land I had off my wifes father and of which I am now possessed for the remainder of the term which I have in it after my wife’s decease in case she continue unmarried which she shall hold leases for her life but if she be again married to remain to my said son William personally. Item I give and bequeath to my 2 daughters Jane and Elizabeth the sum of forty pounds each to be paid to them the said Jane and Elizabeth when they shall arrive at the age of one and twenty years each of them centrally as they shall come to that age or sooner if my Executors hereafter to be named shall find it convenient for them is always my will and pleasure is that the household goods of which I am now possessed shall as the death of my said wife be equally divided between those two daughters but upon the same proviso that my wife continue unmarried when they the executors of this my will shall think fit. Item I constitute and appoint my two loving brothers Mr. Thomas KEYT of Binton in the County of Warwick Clerk and William KEYT of Ebrington aforesaid to be my Executors of this my last will and testament desiring them after my debts and funeral expenses discharged if there remain and surplus not by now disposed of to divide it all into equal portions to be given to my wife and each of my children when they shall think it may do them most good only my will is that out of what god hath bestowed upon me that they give to the poor of Ebrington aforesaid the sum of twenty shillings immediately after my decease but in case it please god that deliverer of the said children die before they come to the age in which it is to be disposed to them that …….. their part shall be equally divided between the remaining part of them, In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 6th day of February in the year of our lord 1703.
Signed sealed declared
and published to be my last
will and testament in the
presence of
Leah E GIBBS her mark
10 October 1704
Jurat ……….
Probatum Campden, Gloucs.
10th Oct 1704 etcetera
Thomas KEYTE
William KEYTE

* It is thought that John KYTE was christened at St.Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, Gloucestershire by father William KYTE (mother’s name not known) in August 1655.
* William married Anne GIBBS at Binton, Gloucestershire, on 8.10.1687.
* William and Anne had 6 children, Thomas, John, John, Jane, William and Elizabeth, all being christened in Ebrington.
* John KEYT Senior was buried in Ebrington on 12.2.1703/4.
* Anne KEYT nee GIBBS made her Will in 1720 and was buried in Ebrington on 3.4.1720.
* Forty pounds (£40) in 1704 = about £2,460 in AD2000
* Twenty shillings (20/- or £1) –n 1704 = about £61 in AD2000

Will dated 26.2.1705 (original in Gloucester Record Office)
In the name of God Amen. On the six and twentieth day of February in the thrid year of the Reign of Queen Anne and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four I William KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Carpenter do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul into the hands of my Merciful Creator, hoping to be saved through the merits of my blessed Redeemer and I give my body to the earth to be decently buried according to the Rites of the Church of England. Item I give and bequeath all my right and tithe to my dwelling house in Ebrington aforesaid together with the Outhouses and garden and orchard thereunto belonging and my two Cows Commons, for the remainder of the term for which I purchased the same, to my Nephew Thomas KEYT and his heirs, if he live to his Age of one and twenty years, but if he died before that age, or die unmarried, or offer to sell the Premises or any part thereof, then I give and bequeath the same to my Nephew John KEYT and his Heirs, if he live to the age of one and twenty years; and if the said John KEYT shall happen to die before that age, or to die unmarried, or offer to sell the Premises or any part thereof, then my will is that the same shall be disposed of according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath to my Nephew Edward TOMLINS twenty shillings if he live to the age of one and twenty years, and twenty shillings to my Niece Jane KEYT the daughter of my late Brother Richard KEYT if she live to the age of one and twenty years. Item I give and bequeath to my Nephew John KEYT aforesaid ten pounds if he live to the age of one and twenty years, or to be paid to him sooner if my Executor shall think fit. Item I give to my Niece Sarah KEYT twenty pounds if she live to the age of one and twenty years or sooner if my Executor shall think fit. Item, I give and bequeath to my Cousin Elizabeth KEYT the Daughter of Richard KEYT the elder of Ebrington aforesaid forty shillings, and the Bed and Bedstead which she has usually lain upon, and one pair of sheets, and three blankets, and a coffer, and a box, if she continue with me till my death. Item I give and bequeath to the Poor of the Town of Ebrington aforesaid twenty shillings. Item my will is that after the payment of my debts and funeral Expenses and the legacies above mentioned and the charges of executing this my last Will and Testament, one third part of the rest of my Money, Goods and Chattels which shall then remain, shall be given to my Sister Elizabeth GARDENER, and one other third part to those of my late Brother John’s Children whom my Executor shall think fit to give it to, and the other third part to my Brother Thomas KEYT whom I do hereby constitute and appoint Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed Sealed and Declared
in the presence of
William KEYT
Mary (or Mary) HANSON
Hannah NASH
10 October 1705
H Jurat Exec …Campden
Her mark ………Hen HYCKE

* Unfortunately it is not known when or where William KEYT was born or christened.
* His parents were William KEYT (Will written 17.7.1688 and proved 1691) and Jane (Will written 16.2.1694 and proved 1695).
* William was buried at Ebrington on 28.2.1705.
* Twenty shillings (20/- or £1) in 1705 = about £59 in AD2000
* Ten pounds (£10) in 1705 = about £590 in AD2000

Will dated 1710 (original in Gloucester Record Office)

The first part of this will is written in Latin and most of it is indecipherable, other than:-
Maria KEYTE de Ebrington in …………. Glouc
Johan KEYTE de eadm (the same?) yeoman et Johan KEYTE de Campden in Glos. Yeoman
Musis may
Dm 1710

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bowden Mary KEYTE Widow relict and Administrator of all and singular goods chattels and credits of William KEYTE late of Hidcote intestate deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of her the said Mary KEYT into the hands and possession of any person or persons for her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of Gloucs at or before the last day of June next ensuing And the same goods chattels and credits and all the other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Mary KEYTE or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly administer according to law And further do make or cause to be made a true and account of her said Adcon. At or before the last day of April 1710 and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators account the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his or their decree or sentence persuant to the true intent and meaning of the late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years of the late Sovereign Lord King Charles the second Intituly (Initially?) An Act for the better settling of Intestates shall limit and appoint And if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased the Execurot or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said Court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Administratex above bounden being thereunto required do render and deliver the said ……….. of Adcon. (approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court then this Obligation to be void and of none effect or also to remain in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered Signu
In the presence of

23rd May 1710
Gulielnium KEYTE

* William KEYTE was christened at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, Gloucestershire, by his father William KYTE (mother’s name not known) on 28.12.1650.
* William married Mary WIGGETT at Stanton near Broadway on 24.2.1676.
* William and Mary had 5 children, Richard, John, William, Samuel and Ann.
* William was buried at Ebrington on 30.1.1710.

Will dated 4.1.1720 (original in Gloucester Record Office)
In the name of God amen the fourth day of January, 1719, I Ann KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Glouc Widow being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God; and therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament (that is to say) first and principally I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I commend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the general Resuraction I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis I give and bequeath, unto Thomas my well beloved sone one shilling, Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son John on shilling, Item I give to Jane my well beloved Daughter one shilling, Item I give to Elizabeth my well beloved Daughter one shilling Item I give and bequeath to Mary KEYT my well beloved Grand daughter one Guinea all which the said Legacies of good and Lawful money of great Britain to be raised and paid out of my Effects immediately after my decease Item I give and bequeath to sarah my well beloved Daughter all and singular other my goods and chattels, whatsoever not heretofore by me or my husband disposeth of, to be by her freely possessed after my debts, legacies and funeral Expenses are paid and discharged, and do make, Constitute and ordaine my well beloved son John Executor of this my last Will and Testament, and do hereby utterly revoke and disannul All former and other Wills, Legacies and bequests by me heretofore made Ratifying and Confirming this to stand, In Witness whereof I shall hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above said.

Subscribed, Sealed, declared and published
by the said Ann KEYT the Testator in
the presence of us
Ann KEYT her X mark
Anne COX X her mark
Anne WARNER X her mark
12 May 1720
Iur le…………
Nalh Lye Sur

Memorand that the day of the date within written before sealing and declaring of the within written will and Testament I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Elizabeth one half of my wearing Apparel
Probate (written in Latin)

* Unfortunately it is not known when or where Anne GIBBS was born or christened.
* Anne GIBBS married William KEYT at Binton, Gloucestershire, on 8.10.1687.
* Anne and William had 6 children, Thomas, John, John, Jane, William and Elizabeth, all being christened in Ebrington.
* John KEYT made his Will in 1704 and was buried in Ebrington on 12.2.1703/4.
* Ann was buried in Ebrington on 30.4.1720.
* One shilling (1/-) in 1720 = about £64 in AD2000

Will dated 1729 (original in Gloucester Record Office, Ref: 58)

The first part of this will is written in Latin and most of it is indecipherable, other than:-
Thomas KEYT de Ebrington
Anno Dm. 1729
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Thomas KEYT Lawful and natural son and Administrator of all and singular goods and chattels and credits of Richard KEYT late of Ebrington above said yeoman deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the said Thomas KEYT or into the hands and possession of any person or persons for him and the same so made good do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the above said Lord Bishop at or before the last day of March next ensuing And the same goods chattels and credits and all other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death which at anytime after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Thomas KEYT or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him do well and truly administer according to law And further do make or cause to be made a true and informed account of his said Adcon. At or before the last day of January next and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administration account the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges, by his or their decree or sentence persuant to the true intent and meaning of the late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years of the reign of the Late Sovereign Lord King Charles the second (Instituted An Act for the better settling of Intestate estates) shall limit and appoint And if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said Court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Thomas KEYT above bounden being thereunto required do render and deliver the said Laws of Adcon. (approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court then this Obligation to be void and of none effect to remain in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered Thomas KEYT
In the presence of
Probate. 17. Feb. 1729

Will dated 15.10.1740 (original dated 1740 in Gloucester Record Office, Ref: 189)

Know all men by these present that we Susannah KEYTE of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester widow John CLARIDGE of Toddenham in the same county yeoman and John DOE are held and firmly bound unto Martin Lord Bishop of the diocese of Gloucester in five hundred pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to his certain Attorney his Executors Administrators or Assigns to which payment well and truly to be made We Oblige ourselves and every of us by himself for the whole our and every of our Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these present sealed with our Seals dated the fifteenth day of October in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth And in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and forty
The condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Susannah KEYTE the Relict and Administrator of all and Singular the goods Chattels and credits of Samuel KEYTE late of Ebrington above Husbandman Deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possessions or knowledge of her the said Susannah KEYTE or into the hands and possession of any person or persons for her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be Exhibited into the Registry of the Bishop of Gloucester at or before the last day of November next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits and all other the goods Chattels and credits of the said Deceased at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Susannah KEYTE or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly do make or cause to be made a true and Just account of her said administration at or before the last day of September next and all the rest and residue of the said Goods Chattels and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the Said Administrators account the same being first Examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his or their decree or Sentence persuant to the true intent and meaning of the late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second Instituted (Estates) Shall limit and appoint And if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the Said deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said Court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Susannah KEYTE above bounden being thereunto required do remnder and deliver the said Letters of Administration (approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court then this Obligation to be void or Else to remain in full force and virtue
Sealed and delivered first
duly Stamped in the presence of
Richd ELLY, Susanna KEYTE, John CLARIDGE

15th October 1740
On which day appeared personally Susannah KEYTE widow and alledged that Samuel KEYTE late of Ebrington in the Diocese of Gloucester Husbandman died Intestate the said Susannah KEYTE is the Relict of the said deceased.
Wherefore she prayed that Administration of all and singular the Goods Rights and Credits of the said Deceased might be Granted and Committed to her on giving such good and sufficient security as on this behalf is required and so forth
Let Administration be Granted according to the Tenor of the above Petition
John SHUTE/Surrogate

* It is not known for sure when Samuel KEYT was christened, but he could be the Samuel KEYT who was christened at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, Gloucestershire, by parents William KEYT and Sarah nee BRAWNE on 17.12.1704.
* If the above Samuel is the correct one, then he married Susannah WOOLERSTON at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, on 8.6.1733 and they had 3 children Samuel, John and William.
* Samuel was buried at Ebrington on 8.5.1740.
* Five hundred pounds (£500) in 1740 = about £33,333 in AD2000

Will dated 21.6.1749 (original dated 1751 in Gloucester Record Office, Ref: 59)
In the name of God, Amen I Thomas KEYT of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester yeoman being aged and infirm but I thank God of sound and disposing mind and memory Do make and ordain my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say First I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth All that Messuage or Tenement and Three Quarters of one Yard Land thereto belonging situate lying and being in Ebrington aforesaid which I hold under the Right Hon.ble Lord Clinton by lease for Ninety nine years determinable on the deaths of myself and my said wife and of Thomas KEYT of Hidcote in the said County of Gloucester yeoman to hold the said Messuage or Tenement and Three Quarters of a yardland with the appurtances unto my said wife and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life And from and after her decease I give and bequeath the said Messuage or Tenement and Three Quarters of a Yard Land with the Appurtances for all the remainder of my Estate and Interest which shall be therein then to come unto my Two daughters Mary ASHWIN and Elizabeth KEYT their Executors Administrations and assigns To take as Tenents in Common and not as joint Tenents Item I give unto my said wife the sum of four pounds per annum for and during the term of her natural life To be paid her out of the residue of my Estates by my Executrix upon the feasts of St. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary by even and equal portions. The first of such payments to be made on such of the said feasts as shall happen next after my decease Item I give unto my said wife One Moiety of all and singular my household. But my Will is That if my said wife shall marry again then the aforesaid several Gifts and bequests made to her of the said Messuage and Lands, annuity and household goods shall cease and be void To and for the use and benefit of my said Two daughters Mary and Elizabeth my residuary Legacies And then and in case of my said wife’s marrying again I give and bequeath to her my said wife instead of the said gifts so to cease and be void the yearly sum of five pounds only for her life To be paid to her in the same manner as the yearly sum of four pounds is before directed to be paid to her. Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth the sum of Two Hundred and fifty pounds having given the same sum of money with my daughter Mary on her marriage. Item I give the other Moiety of my household Goods to my said daughter Elizabeth. My said daughter Mary having already had her share of them. Item I give unto my brother-in-law Richard SIMPKINS my best suit of clothes Item I give to my brother Edward KEYT all the rest of my wearing Apparel of Linen and woollen whatsoever Item I give to my nephew Samuel KEYT of Pebworth the sum of One pound and one shilling Item I give devise and bequeath all the singular the rest and residue of my Estates goods and Chattels whatsoever After payment of my debts funeral expenses and legacies unto my said daughters Mary and Elizabeth their Executors Administrators and assignis as Tenents in common But my will is that in case my said daughter Mary shall die without issue begotten by John ASHWIN her husband, then that her said husband shall hve no benefit or advantage of or upon the Estates Goods or Chattels thereby devised to my said daughter Mary but that such devises shall cease for the benefit of my said daughter Elizabeth and in such cases I give unto the said John ASHWIN the sum of fifty pounds only in virtue and persuance of an agreement made on his marriage with my said daughter And lastly I appoint my daughter Elizabeth KEYT Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I desire my said son in law John Ashwin to oversee and assist her in the Execution thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the One and Twentieth day of June In the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty nine
Signed sealed published and declared by the (Thos KEYT)
above named Thomas KEYT as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence
of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses in
his presence
Tho FLETCHER, Elizth WHITE her mark A-
6th June 1751
The within named Elizabeth KEYT Daur. and
Sole Executrix was duly sworn before me
John TAYLOR Surrogate

This Will was Proved the 6th Day of June in the Year of our Lord 1751 before the Worshipful Sir henry Penrice KNIGHT Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God Martin by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal Consistory Official Principal Lawfully Constituted by Elizabeth KEYT Daur and Sole Executrix and so forth to whom and so forth having first Sworn well and faithfully to Administer to the said Will and also to Exhibit an Inventory and Render an Account and so forth.

* It is not known where or when Thomas KEYT was born or christened.
* It is thought that he married Elizabeth SIMPKINS of Chipping Campden at St.Paul’s, Broadwell, Gloucestershire, on 15.2.1723/4. Rev. Ralph MANN officiated.
* Four pounds (£4) in 1749 = about £270 in AD2000
* Five pounds (£5) in 1749 = about £340 in AD2000
* Two hundred pounds (£200) in 1749 = about £16,680 in AD2000
* One pound and one shilling (£1. 1s. 0d. or 1 guinea) in 1749 = about £70 in AD2000

Will dated 21.10.1756 (original dated 1756 in Gloucester Record Office)

Know all men by these Present, that We Samuel KEYTE of the parish of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester Yeoman Samuel SOUTHAM of Ebrington aforesaid yeoman and Nathaniel TIDMARSH of the parish of Campden in the County aforesaid Victualer are held, and firmly bound unto James Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester in Five Hundred pounds of good and lawful Money of Great-Britain, to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to his certain Attorney, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns. To which Payment, well and truly to be made, we oblige ourselves, and Each of us by himself, and Themselves for the whole, our and Each and every of our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, firmly by these Present. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the Twenty first Day of October in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Six.
The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bound Samuel KEYTE Administrator of all and Singular the goods, Chattels, and Credits of William KEYTE his late Grandfather Deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and the singular the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession, or Knowledge of him the said KEYTE or into the Hands and Possession of any Person or Persons for him and the same, so made, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, unto the Registry of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester or before the Last Day of November next ensuing, and the same Goods, Chattels and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, at the Time of his Death, which at any Time after shall come to the hands or Possession of the said KEYTE or into the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons for him do well and truly administer according to Law; and further, do make, or cause to be made, a true and just Account of his said Administration at or before the Last Day of October 1757 and all the Rest and residue of the said Goods, Chattels, and Credits, which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators Account, the same being first examined and allowed of, by the Judge or Judges, for the time being, of the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges, by his or their Decree or Sentence, pursuant to the true Intent and Meaning of a late Act of Parliament, made in the Two and Twentieth and Three and Twentieth Years of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second, intitled, An Act for the better settling of Intestate’s Estates, shall limit and appoint; and if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same unto the said Court, making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said Samuel KEYTE above bounden, being thereunto acquired, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration (Approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court, then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.

Sealed and Delivered Samuel Keyte
(being first Duly Stamped) in the Presence of
John WHITE R D (Rural Dean)

20th October 1756
To All to whom these present shall come I Susannah SOUTHAM of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester lord Greeting Whereas William KEYTE late of Ebrington aforesaid yeoman deceased which said William KEYTE was Father to Samuel KEYT my late husband Also deceased And the said William KEYT dying Intestate the Right of Administration of all and singular the goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of the said William KEYT doth belong to me as being the Widow and relict of the said Samuel KEYT deceased Now Know ye that I the said Sussanah Southam for divers Good causes and Considerations me hereunto Specially moving have renounced revised released and declared All my right title and Interest of in and to the Administration of All and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said William KEYT deceased and so hereby desire that Letters of Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said William KEYT deceased may be Committed and Granted unto my son Samuel KEYT the Eldest son of my late husband the said Samuel KEYT and Grandson of the said William KEYT deceased and to the End this my Renunciation may have its due Effect I do by these present nominate Constitute and Appoint Mr Thomas BRAITH my true and Lawful Procurator hereunto and in my name to appear before the Judge of my Consistory Court of Gloucester his Lawful Surrogate or other Competent Judge in this Behalf so Exhibit this in true and Voluntary Renunciation and Proxy and to pay and procure the same to be Admitted and Letters of Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said William KEYT deceased to be Granted and Committed unto the aforesaid Samuel KEYT Grandson of the said William KEYT and Generally to let execute and do or cause to be done all things requisite and necessary in and about the premises And Whatsoever my said Procurator Shall Lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the same I do truly promise to ratify Allow and Confirm In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Soul this Twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Six.
Sealed and delivered this paper} Susannah SOUTHAM
Being first duly Stamped In the}
Presence of us

21st day of October 1756
On which Day appeared personally Samuel KEYTE and alledged that William KEYTE late of Ebrington in the Diocese of Gloucester Yeoman died Intestate and that the said Samuel KEYTE is the Grandson of the said Deceased.
Wherefore he prayed that Administration of all and singular the goods and chattels Rights and Credits of the said deceased might be granted and committed to him on giving such good and sufficient Security as in this Behalf is required and so forth
Let Administration be granted
as above prayed
Wm. WESTON, Surrogate
21st October 1756
Administration of the Goods of
William KEYTE late oF Ebrington

* It is thought that Samuel KEYT was christened at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, Gloucestershire by parents Samuel and Susannah nee WOOLASTON on 8.6.1733.
* If the above is correct, then Samuel married Elizabeth CHARLEWOOD at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington on 27.10.1763.
* If the above is correct, then Samuel and Elizabeth had 4 children, William, Sarah, Samuel and Betty.
* Also, if the above is correct, Samuel and Elizabeth lived at the ‘Ebrington Arms’ in Ebrington for some years.
* Samuel was buried in Ebrington on 8.5.1740
* Five hindred pounds (£500) in 1756 = about £32, 500 in AD2000
* A Surrogate was a deputy appointed by the authorities.

Will dated 21.2.1772 (original dated 1772 in Gloucester Record Office, Ref: 63)

Know all men by these present, That we Elizabeth KEYT of the parish of Ebrington in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Widow, Samuel CORMEL of the same place Yeoman and Thomas SOUTHAM of the same place yeoman are held, and firmly bound unto William Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester in the sum of Five Hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to his certain Attorney, his Executors, Administrators, or Assignes, To which Payment, well and truly to be made, We oblige Ourselves, and each of us by herself, or himself, for the whole, our and Each of our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, firmly by these Present. Sealed with our Seals, Dated the Twenty first Day of February in the Twelve Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord george the third by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy two.
The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden Elizabeth KEYT Administratix of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of John KEYT late of Ebrington her late Husband Deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession, or Knowledge of her the said Elizabeth KEYT or into the Hands and Possession of any Person or Persons for her and the same, so made, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, unto the Registry of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester at or before the last Day of March next ensuing, and the same Goods, Chattels and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, at the time of his Death, which at any time after shall come to the Hands or Possession of the said Elizabeth KEYT or into the Hands or Possession of any other Person or Persons for her do well and truly administer accordingly to Law; and further, do make, or cause to be made, a true and just Account of her said Administration at or before the Last Day of February 1773 and all the Rest and Residue of the said Goods, Chattels and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators Account of the same being first examined and allowed of, by the Judge or Judges, for the Time being, of the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the said Judge or Judges, by his or their Decree or Sentence, pursuant to the true Intent and meaning of a late Act of Parliament, made in the Two and Twentieth and Three and Twentieth Years of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second, intitled, An Act for the better settling of Intestate’s Estates, shall limit and appoint; and if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said Court, making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said Elizabeth KEYT above bounden, being thereunto acquired, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration ( Approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court, then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.

Signed and Delivered (being first} The mark & of Eliz. KEYT
Duly Stamped) in the Presence of} Samuel CORMELL
James BENSON Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Sprituals of the Right Reverend Father in God William by Divine permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and his Episcopal Consistory official principal Lawfully Constituted To the Reverend Jacob MOULD and William WESTON Clerks Greeting We do by these present commit our power and Authority to you jointly and Severally / in whose Fidelity we confide / To receive the Corporal Oath of Elizabeth KEYT Lawful Widow and Relict of John KEYT late of the parish of Ebrington in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Yeoman Deceased) who as it is asserted died Intestate / well and faithfully to Administer to all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Deceased and to Exhibit an Inventory and Render and Account according to the Tenor of the Underwritten Oath And also to see the Bond annexed to these present Signed Sealed and Delivered by the said Elizabeth KEYT together with two more good and sufficient Bonsmen And whatsoever you or either of you shall do in the premises You are to certify it to us our Surrogate or other Competent Judge in this Behalf together with these present on or before the last Day of March next ensuing Given under Seal or our office this Thirteenth Day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Two
Tho.s RIDGE Dep.ty Reg.r

The Oath
Mrs Elizabeth KEYT.
You shall swear that you believe that John KEYT late of the parish of Ebrington in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Yeoman Deceased died Intestate And that you are Lawfully Widow and Relict of the said Deceased And that you will well and faithfully Administer to his Goods Chattels Rights and Credits by paying his Debts so far as the same will extend and the Law bind you that you will Exhibit an Inventory of all and singular his Goods Chattels Rights and Credits into the Registry of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and render an Account of your Administration when you shall be thereunto Lawfully required

So help you God – this the Book
The 25th Day of February 1772
The above named Elizabeth KEYT was duly
Sworn according to the Tenor of the above Commission
Before me – J.MOULD Commisioner
In how long the Testator been dead?
20 Dec 1771

25th February 1772
Administration of the Goods of John KEYT, late of Ebrington

* It is not known where of when John KEYT was born or christened.
* John married Elizabeth CORMEL at St. Eadburgha’s, Ebrington, on 1.3.1764.
* John and Elizabeth had 4 children, Samuel, John, Mary and William.
* John appears to have died on 20.12.1771.
* Five hundred pounds (£500) in 1772 = about £24,125 in AD2000

All of the above Kyet (and variants) wills provided courtesy of
Roger Keight