The Untimely Death of Alec Bliss 1911
Chedworth, Gloucestershire

Transcribed by Mike Tovey

The following article was cut out from a newpaper and found in a book:

Death and Funeral of a Schoolboy – On Tuesday, the 28th ult.,(Feb) the death of a boy named Alec BLISS occurred under very distressing circumstances. It appears that a few days previously, while playing with a younger brother just outside their home, he received internal injuries which ultimately resulted in his death, the cause being certified as enteritis. Deceased, who was nearly twelve years of age, was a native of Chedworth, and was a bright, kind, and popular lad, and at the national School filled the office – in conjunction with another lad – of 1st class monitor. He was a good draughtsman, and won a prize for drawing at the local flower show last year. He was a member of the Primitive Methodist Chapel Sunday School, and also a member of the Baden-Powell Boy Scouts.

The parents have received many tokens of sympathy in their bereavement. The funeral took place at the Parish Church on Saturday afternoon last, the service being impressively conducted by the Vicar (Rev G.E. MACKIE). The chief mourners were

Mr. and Mrs. O. BLISS (father and mother),
Miss Eileen BLISS (sister)
And Mrs SCOTFORD (aunts).

In addition, the cortege consisted of a patrol of Boy Scouts in full dress under the charge of Assistant-Scoutmasters J.A. DEANE and V. PINCHIN. The Northleach Boy Scouts were represented by Assistant-Scoutmaster F.W. GARDINER, the day school by Mr J.D. TOMBS (headmaster), and the Sunday school by Mr. George DAY. There were also many schoolfellows of the deceased who followed his remains to the grave. Other friends at the grave-side included Mrs. J. PEACHEY, Nurse MERRIMAN, Miss STEPHENS, Mrs J. BARTLETT, Mrs. F. BLACKWELL, and Miss E.L. COOK. The bearers of the coffin were Masters Albert HOLLAND, Jack ALLINGTON, Ernest MORSE, and Ernest ROGERS. There were many floral tributes placed on the grave: “In loving memory, from Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters”; “With much love, from Aunties Rhoda, Amelia, and Mary”; “With deep regret, from the teachers and scholars of Chedworth National School”; “With deepest sympathy, from his comrades the Scouts, and Messrs. T. A. DEANE and V. PINCHIN”; “With sympathy, from Florrie and Carrie SEATS”;  “With deepest sympathy, from Mrs. P. HOLLAND”; “In loving remembrance of Alec, from a schoolfellow, Harold WAKEFIELD”; violets were sent by Mrs, Hylton FOSTER and Mrs. W. GRINELL. The funeral arrangements were admirably carried out by Mr. F. MINCHIN, of Chedworth. Half-muffled peals were rung on the bells on Saturday and Sunday evenings, the father of the deceased being a ringer.

Courtesy of Mike Tovey